
Orcosmica is a bullethell inspired rail shooter where instead of a spaceship firing lasers and missiles, you play as an orca using their telekinetic powers to defeat enemies and progress through levels!

Featuring a soundtrack that is influenced by the player's actions, as well as a dialogue system that converts the text to different sounds.

My Contribution

  • Character Controller
    • Onrails movement system
    • Boundingbox
    • Collisions

  • Spawn Pattern Editor
    • Updates live in editor
    • Data assets for quick iterations
    • Compatible with any UActor

  • TTS Dialogue System
    • Animal crossing-esque dialogue
    • Takes in arrays of strings and plays audio



Orcosmica was the first project where I actually used Blueprints in Unreal Engine. The main reasoning behind it was partially because knowing the basics of Blueprint is good even if I want to focus on C++. Knowing how the designers utilize blueprints and their structures is important if I want to help create tools for them. I also felt like the dialogue system we went with was just easier to implement in Blueprints so that they had more control over adding the UI representation, setting up the folder structure and creating the data assets.

I also learnt got some experience with setting up data assets for the different spawn patterns. Whilst we might not have utilized the spawning system as much as I was hoping for, it was a very good learning experience.