Alice DAW


Alice DAW is one of my sideprojects which I started to learn more about audio programming and the synthiesation of sound.
Right now I have implemented a simple oscillator which can play either a sine, square, saw or a triangle wave.
The oscillators are then modified by the DAHDSR envelope (Delay, Attack, Hold, Decay, Sustain, Release).
There's also post processing audio effects such as Tremolo.
You're able to save your projects and oscillators so you can work on them later on.

Some audio clips might be loud even though I dampened the audio and equalized them.

Current Features

  • Oscillator
    • Sine, triangle, saw & square waves
    • DAHDSR Envelope
    • Post Processing Audio Effects

  • Project Editor
    • Add/Remove tracks & oscillators
    • Seperated & combined audio output
    • Save & load oscillators and song projects



I am a person who loves music, if I am working, playing games, studying, commuting I am almost always listening to something.
Making music is also something that I have been interested in for most of my life. From time to time I do feel like I needed a break from working on the graphics side of Alice, but still wanting to make progress I ended up wanting to make my own DAW.
The reason for that is I realised, how does sound actually work? How can me writing code actually end up simulating sound?
In this project I had to learn how .wav files are structured so I can read and write to them, learning how Envelopes and LFOs work.

The next steps for Alice-DAW is refining the UI, adding more effects & importing of .midi and .wav files into the project timeline.